Escape game Twisted

Company: Exit Strategy

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


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It’s not that you’re smart, but your record is pretty good! You’ve played 52 rooms and you beat 43 of them. Not bad! You and your crew now go into any escape room and, within seconds, have already figured out the skills that each of you will need to use to beat this thing.

So, you get your group together and set off to play this new room that you heard about.

The game starts and before you know it you realize that being a so-called expert will not help. You’re no longer playing the story, you are the story.


Theatrical lights (including strobe lights) and a period of complete darkness.
Theatrical sounds including loud noises that might startle players.
Short time in a smaller space.
Crawling required by one player.

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